Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kick me when I'm down (moving on when you screw up!)

So you decided to change your lifestyle - eat healthy, exercise, the whole nine yards. You are fully committed, nothing can stop you now! This time it will be different. Right? 

Three days into your knew lifestyle somebody brings donuts to work. You're not going to have one, no way. You pass right by. Then your break comes, still, you're staying strong, you will not give in. Lunch brought your lunch, you don't need that sugar loaded anti-new you piece of junk!

Then your last break comes...there's still a couple left. You've been so good! You've eaten perfectly. One donut will not hurt, maybe just half. You decide to go for it.

So what happens next? GUILT. The guilt sets in. Now you've ruined it. You're just not strong enough, you're never going to be able to do this. Now that you had the donut, what's the point in eating good the rest of the day? Just forget it, go back to the way you were.


The old you had a slip up and let it ruin everything, felt guilty over it. 
The new you accepts it, learns from it, and moves on. Right away (no "starting tomorrow", start immediately!)

The point of all this is that you will slip up, you have to accept that. The ideal situation is you stay strong always, only cheat during the times you planned it (special occasion, etc). But life happens, we all know this. The biggest difference between you now, and you then, has to be the decision you make after giving in. Get right back up, you did not sabotage everything, your decision to keep going is what will lead you to success. 

There is nothing you can eat that can't be overpowered by your will to move on. I'm proof of that, believe me, no matter how strong everyone else perceives me (& I am strong!) - I have my moments. I've had the times where I eat an entire bag of cheetos or wayyyy too much ice cream. And you know what, I'm still successful. Because I made a decision long ago...that I would never quit. 

Stay strong.

Lots of love,

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