Thursday, June 21, 2012

Do I need to work out to lose weight?

Ok first off, I'm going to pretend like it hasn't been nearly six weeks since my last post! Shame shame Angie. Good news is I am almost done with my Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Certification...more to come!

So about the topic - do I need to work out to lose weight? The short, and very surprising answer to this question is - no. To shed fat off of your body - you need to burn more calories than you eat. What this means is you can reduce the calories you eat, and with the same expenditure of energy (or calories burned) as you are currently at, you will lose weight. 

Now, do I recommend losing weight by eating right only and not being more active? NO. Here's why: exercise provides all the things you may not be able to see, the things beyond just the weight loss:

  • Makes you feel amazing (gotta love those endorphins!)
  • Reduces stress 
  • Helps you get a more sound night's sleep
  • Can keep you motivated to eat better, so you do not ruin all the work you just did in your workout
  • Helps you tone and build muscle (depending on type of workout)
  • Aids in fat loss, about 5-20% depending on the person 
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight for those not experiencing weight issues 
  • Helps fight off many diseases/conditions including heart disease & type 2 diabetes (boosts good cholesterol too!) 
  • Can help combat depression and/or moodiness
  • Sparks up your umm...bedroom activities =)

The biggest misunderstanding I see with weight loss is the theory that you can just work out and not change your eating habits, and you will reach your goals. This is almost impossible to do. Unless you're working out Biggest Loser style, 6 hours a day (who wants to do that?), then you are going to have to get your eating in check to get real, sustainable results. 

Think about it this way - how many times do you see the same people, gym rats even - at every class, every workout, busting their butts on the cardio machines, and yet they never seem to get any smaller? I see this all the time. It goes on for years - seriously. They never change their eating habits - sometimes they eat more than they did before, because they think working out so much allows them to do so. Calories in must be less than calories out. So guess what, the one additional workout is not going to offset the Big Mac meal. On the contrary, you would need about 3 extra workouts just to break even. 

Remember - exercise does not have to be only running on a treadmill or doing sit-ups. Try new classes at a gym, local church or college, try at home DVDs that YOU enjoy (I love dance ones!), take a jog outside, shoot some hoops, do heavy housework or gardening...just get moving! I admit, I do not always want to do my workouts, after a crazy day at work, keeping up with my 4 year old, taking care of the house - there's rarely time for me. But this is my life - I have to choose to make time for me. My trick? I put on my workout outfit right when I get home, even if I have to make dinner, do the dishes, make the lunches for the next day, give my daughter a bath, put her to bed...then work out - if I'm all ready to go, there's one less excuse =). 

So final note is - get additional exercise for all the benefits listed above - and improve your eating habits for weight loss. The combination will set your on your path to your reaching your goals! Increase your activity - and find what works for you. I promise you won't be sorry!

Lots of love,


  1. Hey there Angie. Sorry to keep bugging you but I wanted to see if you planned on putting up a little list of things that are good to eat? I am getting very depressed with how I look. I am not happy. I want to change but I don't even know what to by or the right things to eat. I have never been about health or knowing about calories and all that because I never really had to<--and didn't really think about the bad I was doing to my body but things are changing and I really want to better my eating habits for myself and my kids.I am really glad you have this website. It's time for a change and I know I can do it I just need to be more on top of it. Thank you.

  2. Oh goodness you are not bugging me at all. I love feedback, questions, comments, etc. I didn't realize you asked for a list, my bad! I will post something tonight or this weekend. Take care of those kiddos...and yourself =)
