Friday, June 22, 2012

The best & worst foods to put in your body

I had a friend ask me to post exactly which food items are healthy/unhealthy, so here it is! It's long...but hope this helps!

The best rules to follow are: 

  • Eliminate refined foods from your home. These should be eaten sparingly, maybe on a weekend meal out, but never daily. This includes white bread, flour, pasta, sugar, cookies, crackers, etc. Watch out for anything "bleached", or "enriched" - look for "100% whole wheat/whole grain". "Made with whole grain" or "wheat" does not mean it is all whole grain or whole wheat. Many wheat breads are white bread with caramel coloring. READ LABELS!
  • Eliminate highly processed/packaged foods - boxed dinners, mac & cheese, etc. These are packed full of preservatives, sodium, and refined junk you don't need! Love the convenience of a quick meal? Opt for frozen bagged meals without additives and packed with veggies- now days there are stir frys, pasta dishes, etc. full of healthy ingredients! No more frozen TV dinners for the kids...they deserve better.
  • Don't drink your calories - say goodbye or greatly reduce intake of sodas, "fruit" drinks, highly sugary coffee drinks, etc.
  • Snack on fruits, veggies, nuts, portioned cheeses, yogurt, natural air-popped popcorn.
  • Never bring a bag or box of anything with you to the couch (ok, maybe carrot sticks is ok =)) Decide what you are going to eat, portion it out, and don't go back for more!

This doesn't mean you can never have the items above, it just means you should not have them be more than 10% of your food choices for that item (example, choose whole grain foods 90% of the time, it's ok to have your splurge once or twice a week!)

The list could go on for days of healthy items to eat - it's really finding what you like, and learning how to understand what is in each food item. It seems tedious at first - but soon, it will become second nature. Here are the foods I think are the best. If anything, it's a good place to start! 

You can pretty much eat any veggie and it will provide fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, etc.  

  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, spring lettuce mixes), green beans, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, cucumber, squash (zuchinni, summer/winter, spaghetti is a personal fav), tomatoes, onions, carrots, beets, celery, artichokes, many many more!
  • On occasion (high sugar content, not a lot of value add) - Peas, Corn.


  • Apples, berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc), oranges, grapes, melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), grapefruit, pears, plums, nectarines, peaches, tangerines, bananas, many many more!

For veggies and fruits - fresh is best! Frozen is still a very good, less expensive, and sometimes more convenient option. Look for frozen varieties without any additives (ingredient list for frozen broccoli should say: Broccoli - that's it!). Canned should be little or none - the preservatives needed to can along with the fact that they are sitting in liquid can take away SO much of the nutrition. I wouldn't even call those vegetables. However, I do buy some tomatoes & chili peppers canned if I am using them in a skillet or stew, this is a huge time saver - and never used as my main veggie in a meal. 

Opt for lean proteins as much as possible. Again, fresh or frozen is best, canned can be a convenient alternative - but use in moderation (tuna, salmon, chicken).

  • Chicken/turkey (no skin if possible) - Breast has the lowest fat/calories, but other cuts are fine if you are preparing it the right way (see below) & aren't looking to cut calories, just eat healthier.
  • Fish - Salmon, tilapia, tuna, trout, cod, sole - a lot of options here.
  • Bacon/Ham - Canadian bacon is very low fat, high protein, and tastes great. Ham is a good option in moderation, and bacon is fine used sparingly (turkey bacon can be very healthy - but WATCH the additives - often turkey bacon can be worse for you with the sugar and salt they add).
  • Beans! Packed with protein & fiber, these are a power food. Try cannellini, kidney, pinto, garbanzo, etc. 
  • Greek yogurt - such a great newer option on the market. Opt for varieties without sugars/starches added. Fage is my fav - full of protein, little or no fat. I buy the plain non-fat tub from Costco - add whatever kind of fruit your like and some honey (plain it's very tart). Yummy!
  • Tofu - Not my personal favorite - but a good alternative for vegetarians or if you simply just like it.

Look for 100% whole wheat or whole grain.

  • Whole/steel cut oats, sliced bread, pasta, brown/wild/jasmine rice, pita bread, english muffins, buns, cereals, natural air-popped popcorn, etc. 
  • Bagels in moderation - they're usually the equivalent of 3-4 pieces of bread. See my pick below if you have the craving!

Switching to whole grain can be tough for some. I don't eat a lot of them - but I've found varieties I not only can tolerate - I actually very much like. 

My favs: 
Oats: Coach's Oats steel cut oats - I buy the big bag from Costco for like 5 bucks, lasts forever. My favorite way to enjoy? With fresh or frozen blueberries, walnuts, and honey. 
BreadNormal/kids size: Orowheat Soft Family whole wheat bread OR Sara Lee Soft & Smooth whole wheat.
Larger breads: Orowheat honey whole wheat OR Sara Lee Hearty & Delicious whole wheat with honey.
Bagels: Western Bagel Perfect 10 - this thing is incredible - packed with 9 grams of fiber 18 grams of protein, only 10 net carbs, 2 grams of fat, 140 calories. Genius!
Pasta: Trader Joes whole wheat rotelle pasta - so good, sprinkle a little olive oil, pepper, fresh parmesan...yummy! 
Rice: Jasmine - all whole grain of course, still delicate and not at all heavy. Excellent side dish - eat 1/2 cup cooked to do a smart portion.
Cereal: Kashi Go Lean varieties - I love the honey almond flax, toasted berry crumble, yum they're all good! Packed full of fiber, protein, whole grains, and vitamins.  
Popcorn: Trader Joes popcorn with olive oil - air popped, lightly salted, gets it's flavor from healthy oil. 

Avocado, nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews (raw, not roasted if possible), nut butters (peanut /almond butter), cheese (try low fat versions of cheddar cheeses, or mozzarella, string cheese, Baby Bel individual cheese, gorgonzola, feta, etc), olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, etc.

*If eating something makes you feel miserable and you don't enjoy it - don't eat it! There are SO many nutritious foods that you will enjoy, so eat foods that taste good!


  • Grilling - Great option - not only to cut un-needed fats, but also to add flavor. Meats, poultry, fish, veggies, pretty much anything can be grilled. Don't have a BBQ? Opt for a George Foreman grill, or an indoor grill pan for your stove top.
  • Roasting - My favorite way to eat veggies is roasted. Cover a shallow pan with foil, drizzle fresh cup up veggies with a little olive oil & your fav seasonings (pepper, garlic powder, salt, blends), roast in 400 degree oven (time varies on type of veggie). Try red potatoes, onions, zuchinni, carrots, squash, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
  • Slow-cooking - Throw some frozen solid chicken breasts, cup up raw veggies, a can of chicken broth, and some seasonings in the crock pot - you've got a simple easy meal waiting for you when you get home. 
  • Steaming - Keep the most nutritional value in your veggies by steaming them - I use the old school metal steamers with all the holes in a pot on stove top, or there are steamer bags for use in the microwave that work very well.
  • Try to avoid frying , breading items, or cooking items in fats.

Tips for shopping:

  • Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store mostly - all your veggies, fruits, dairy items and meats are on the perimeter.
  • Bring a list! A great app to create your shopping list is Our Groceries - free, easy, syncs up to computers and multiple phones. Pen & paper - also still works!
  • Buy frozen "steamer" bags of veggies if you need speedy side dishes - many varieties you can pop right in the microwave, so easy. 
  • Buy in season - not only will you get fresher fruits/veggies, they will be cheaper too.
  • Watch the grocery ads for items on sale, I often build a couple of weekly meals based on what type of meat/poultry is on sale. Stock up on your favorite items on sale! Especially condiments, sauces, etc. The sales don't come often.
  • Looking to save money? Convenience can cost money. I buy large quantities of many items, portion them out in separate bags to store in my freezer (shredded cheese, meats, poultry, etc). Great tip for yogurt & oatmeal as well. Buy plain, larger quantities - portion out & put your own extras in! Great for kids, give them a plate of fresh fruits, natural granola or nuts, & honey or maple syrup, let them make they're own. Little extra time, but huge cost savings. 

Ok, I think I'm done for now. If you actually read all of that - don't be overwhelmed. It's a lot - take one step at at time, adjust things as they come, and just vow to make better decisions every day. 

It's your life - take control.

Lots of love,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Do I need to work out to lose weight?

Ok first off, I'm going to pretend like it hasn't been nearly six weeks since my last post! Shame shame Angie. Good news is I am almost done with my Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Certification...more to come!

So about the topic - do I need to work out to lose weight? The short, and very surprising answer to this question is - no. To shed fat off of your body - you need to burn more calories than you eat. What this means is you can reduce the calories you eat, and with the same expenditure of energy (or calories burned) as you are currently at, you will lose weight. 

Now, do I recommend losing weight by eating right only and not being more active? NO. Here's why: exercise provides all the things you may not be able to see, the things beyond just the weight loss:

  • Makes you feel amazing (gotta love those endorphins!)
  • Reduces stress 
  • Helps you get a more sound night's sleep
  • Can keep you motivated to eat better, so you do not ruin all the work you just did in your workout
  • Helps you tone and build muscle (depending on type of workout)
  • Aids in fat loss, about 5-20% depending on the person 
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight for those not experiencing weight issues 
  • Helps fight off many diseases/conditions including heart disease & type 2 diabetes (boosts good cholesterol too!) 
  • Can help combat depression and/or moodiness
  • Sparks up your umm...bedroom activities =)

The biggest misunderstanding I see with weight loss is the theory that you can just work out and not change your eating habits, and you will reach your goals. This is almost impossible to do. Unless you're working out Biggest Loser style, 6 hours a day (who wants to do that?), then you are going to have to get your eating in check to get real, sustainable results. 

Think about it this way - how many times do you see the same people, gym rats even - at every class, every workout, busting their butts on the cardio machines, and yet they never seem to get any smaller? I see this all the time. It goes on for years - seriously. They never change their eating habits - sometimes they eat more than they did before, because they think working out so much allows them to do so. Calories in must be less than calories out. So guess what, the one additional workout is not going to offset the Big Mac meal. On the contrary, you would need about 3 extra workouts just to break even. 

Remember - exercise does not have to be only running on a treadmill or doing sit-ups. Try new classes at a gym, local church or college, try at home DVDs that YOU enjoy (I love dance ones!), take a jog outside, shoot some hoops, do heavy housework or gardening...just get moving! I admit, I do not always want to do my workouts, after a crazy day at work, keeping up with my 4 year old, taking care of the house - there's rarely time for me. But this is my life - I have to choose to make time for me. My trick? I put on my workout outfit right when I get home, even if I have to make dinner, do the dishes, make the lunches for the next day, give my daughter a bath, put her to bed...then work out - if I'm all ready to go, there's one less excuse =). 

So final note is - get additional exercise for all the benefits listed above - and improve your eating habits for weight loss. The combination will set your on your path to your reaching your goals! Increase your activity - and find what works for you. I promise you won't be sorry!

Lots of love,

Friday, May 11, 2012

Is it worth it? Make every calorie count!

One of the biggest things I have learned over the past couple years is to make sure that I understand what I'm putting in my body, and to always stop and think about whether it is worth it. Once you learn this, you can manage your weight by making better decisions daily, not by depriving yourself of everything you love to eat.

I have always been a sweets person - my weakness! Other things aren't as difficult to say no to. For example, pasta is not a weakness for me. Before, if my husband wanted lasagna, or some other pasta dish, I would just eat it because it was there. Do you know how many calories I wasted in my body on foods I don't even love? I do! Way too many. My new biggest rule of thumb is, if you don't love it, don't eat it! It is amazing the calories (& extra pounds!) you can save by simply saying no to all foods that really aren't your absolute favorites. You absolutely have to eat your favorites in moderation, but if you are going to cheat - make it worth it!!!

There are so many times when there will be foods you are surrounded by that you will just eat because they are there. Make this stop your calories up, like a piggy bank, for the things you love most. I always tease that I would eat spinach all day just so I can have chocolate at night. Although not that extreme, that's kind of how I do it. 

I LOVE coffee drinks, white mochas in particular. So during the week, I know when I'm saying no to the cinnamon roll that the co-workers brought in, or choose veggies instead of a potato, that I will still get to have my "treat". I wait until Saturday, then I get my favorite food or drink, and it is soooo worth it since I don't get it all the time (plus, watching the scale go down keeps me on track for making those wise decisions!).

I could say it over an over, but make every calorie count! And always ask yourself, is it worth it? 

Lots of love, 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kick me when I'm down (moving on when you screw up!)

So you decided to change your lifestyle - eat healthy, exercise, the whole nine yards. You are fully committed, nothing can stop you now! This time it will be different. Right? 

Three days into your knew lifestyle somebody brings donuts to work. You're not going to have one, no way. You pass right by. Then your break comes, still, you're staying strong, you will not give in. Lunch brought your lunch, you don't need that sugar loaded anti-new you piece of junk!

Then your last break comes...there's still a couple left. You've been so good! You've eaten perfectly. One donut will not hurt, maybe just half. You decide to go for it.

So what happens next? GUILT. The guilt sets in. Now you've ruined it. You're just not strong enough, you're never going to be able to do this. Now that you had the donut, what's the point in eating good the rest of the day? Just forget it, go back to the way you were.


The old you had a slip up and let it ruin everything, felt guilty over it. 
The new you accepts it, learns from it, and moves on. Right away (no "starting tomorrow", start immediately!)

The point of all this is that you will slip up, you have to accept that. The ideal situation is you stay strong always, only cheat during the times you planned it (special occasion, etc). But life happens, we all know this. The biggest difference between you now, and you then, has to be the decision you make after giving in. Get right back up, you did not sabotage everything, your decision to keep going is what will lead you to success. 

There is nothing you can eat that can't be overpowered by your will to move on. I'm proof of that, believe me, no matter how strong everyone else perceives me (& I am strong!) - I have my moments. I've had the times where I eat an entire bag of cheetos or wayyyy too much ice cream. And you know what, I'm still successful. Because I made a decision long ago...that I would never quit. 

Stay strong.

Lots of love,

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How do I get started?

I think one of the most overwhelming pieces of starting a healthy lifestyle or beginning to lose weight is where to start. Depending on your current habits, it can seem like you need to change nearly everything to reach your goals. Scary right? Well, I am happy to say it doesn't have to be that way.

In deciding how to get started, you need to first decide what kind of personality you have in regards to change. This is how I sum it up: 

Type A - "Change...ahhhh!!!!" You do not adapt well to change, just the thought of it
overwhelms you.
Type B -  "I can change...but not overnight." Most common I think - you are fully willing to change, but cannot have too many things thrown at you at once. 
Type C -  "All or nothing" personality. You like to move forward full throttle, and feel as though you are not accomplishing anything if you do not change everything. 

The reason this is important is there are different ways of approaching a new healthy lifestyle. I am a type C, I like to know exactly what rules to follow, tell me what I can and cannot do, and let me start immediately. 

Regardless of personality type - everyone must begin with one thing - the understanding that excuses have to be thrown out the window, and failure is not an option. Whatever reason you have "failed" before does not apply now. There will always be a reason not to do something, a reason why it is too hard. You have to find the reason why it is worth it.

So, get out your pen, your laptop, your iPad, whatever, and write your list of excuses you will come up with to me, you will find them. Not enough time, not enough money, no support system, not enough energy, too busy with the kids, going to school, working crazy amounts of hours...all challenges yes, but nothing that has to get in the way of changing your life. 

Second thing you must do is decide you are worth it. Sounds cheesy, but putting ourselves first often makes us feel as though we are neglecting others, our children, spouses, work, housework, etc. You have to understand that putting yourself first now will allow you to expand the quality of your life so much, you won't believe how much you will positively impact all the things you feel like you are neglecting in the beginning. And it will be worth it.

So now let's talk about what comes next. Where to begin? We all know to be healthy you are supposed to eat right and exercise, but the thought of hours on a treadmill and eating chicken breast and broccoli everyday doesn't seem appealing - to anyone. It never has to be that way. This is about finding out what works for you - and what works for you is completely different than what works for anybody else. You also don't know what works for you right now, you're going to learn that...and it will take time. It will also take having successes and set-backs (not failures, you never fail if you pick yourself back up).  

You are what you eat - absolutely! Your diet is the most important part of your new healthy lifestyle. But that doesn't mean you have to change everything overnight. Exercise is super important as well, but not necessarily for the weight loss will lose weight by changing your diet and paying attention to the amount of calories you eat. BUT - the energy, the amazing feeling of accomplishment, that will come from the exercise. 

Type As - Begin by changing small things each week. For example:
Week 1, you switch from drinking 4 sodas a day to drinking 3. You ensure you eat breakfast everyday regardless of what it is. You make sure you go to bed by 10 if you have to be up at 6. You commit to taking a 20 minute walk 3x a week.
Week 2 - You start paying attention to foods you buy a little more than before. You add 1 extra serving of fruits and vegetables to your diet each day (even if this means you are now only at 1!) Now you're upping your walks to 30 min 4x a week. 
Week 3 - You start clearing out your pantry of processed foods and refined sugars. You pay attention to when you're full, and do not eat beyond that. Sodas are now down to 2 a day. Keep up the walks of 30 min 4x a week.
Week 4 - You no longer buy white breads or pastas going forward. You now set a goal of 2 extra servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Walks are now 5 days a week!

Type Bs - Begin by making significant changes, but not changing everything.
Week 1 - You commit to no longer drinking your calories - you cut down soft drinks, sugary coffees & teas, etc. to one serving per day. You ensure you eat breakfast everyday comprised of a protein with a complex carb. You cut your portion sizes down and do not eat past comfortably full. You make sure you go to bed by 10 if you have to be up at 6. You commit to 30 minutes of exercise 3x a week. 
Week 2 -  You eat 5-7 small meals a day. You begin keeping a journal listing the foods you eat. You ensure to eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. You increase your exercise to 30 minutes 4x a week.
Week 3 - You plan out all your meals/recipes for the week and post it on the fridge. You clear out your pantry of processed foods and refined sugars.  Still getting your 30 min of exercise 4x a week.
Week 4 - You go through websites, figure out the calories you need to eat, and begin tracking the nutrition behind everything you eat. You now set a goal of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Exercise now at 5 days a week!

Type Cs - You are committed to changing everything.
Week 1 - You clear out your fridge/pantry of anything refined or highly processed. You stock up on veggies (fresh or frozen), fruits, proteins, 100% whole grain pastas & breads, and tons of water. You plan out all your meals/recipes for the week and post it on the fridge. You commit to working out 5 days a week for 30 minutes minimum. You ensure to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every night. You eat 5-7 small meals a day. You go through websites, figure out the calories you need to eat, and begin tracking everything you eat. You ensure to get 5 servings of fruits/veggies per day.

Last thing I will say not choose your type! Be honest. If you are not the type to go all out, don't do it. Never set yourself up for failure, there is nothing wrong with taking it one step at a time. Much better to take it slow and stick with it, then go all out and quit after two days. 

So get started!!!

Here's where I started, 100 lbs shame, you start where you start!

Upcoming blog topics (in no particular order):
- Kick me when I'm down (moving on when you screw up!)
- How much is too much?
- Do I need to join a gym?
- Craving kickers
- Dealing with "Debbie downers"
- The balancing act
- Easy lunches
- How to involve your family
- How often do I weigh myself?

Please let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to talk about! Don't forget to subscibe!

Lots of love,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My new blog

So I decided to start a blog. I have so many thoughts and ideas in my mind, why not write them down? Truth is, to those that know me - I have been on an "endless journey" to eat right and live well for close to three years now. Along the way, I've learned tips and tricks, had triumphs and failures, and am still learning for sure. I am currently studying to become a certified nutrition and wellness consultant, with a specialty in weight loss. I have been asked more times than I can count to start a blog, share recipes, share workout tips, etc. So here it is!

My passion in health is in the diet - nutrition. I have learned that although exercise is very vital, you will never accomplish your goals without the right balance of nutrition. Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym, they say. I believe it to be true! That being said, exercise is what makes you feel incredible. So I will discuss my feelings on these subjects - the right balance of eating properly, exercising, and everything mental that goes along with it. 

I hope that in spending the time to write this blog, somebody will be inspired. It just takes one thing to turn it all around. I have lost 100 pounds so far, 45 more to go to hit my goal. Join me on my journey! 

Lots of love,