Friday, May 11, 2012

Is it worth it? Make every calorie count!

One of the biggest things I have learned over the past couple years is to make sure that I understand what I'm putting in my body, and to always stop and think about whether it is worth it. Once you learn this, you can manage your weight by making better decisions daily, not by depriving yourself of everything you love to eat.

I have always been a sweets person - my weakness! Other things aren't as difficult to say no to. For example, pasta is not a weakness for me. Before, if my husband wanted lasagna, or some other pasta dish, I would just eat it because it was there. Do you know how many calories I wasted in my body on foods I don't even love? I do! Way too many. My new biggest rule of thumb is, if you don't love it, don't eat it! It is amazing the calories (& extra pounds!) you can save by simply saying no to all foods that really aren't your absolute favorites. You absolutely have to eat your favorites in moderation, but if you are going to cheat - make it worth it!!!

There are so many times when there will be foods you are surrounded by that you will just eat because they are there. Make this stop your calories up, like a piggy bank, for the things you love most. I always tease that I would eat spinach all day just so I can have chocolate at night. Although not that extreme, that's kind of how I do it. 

I LOVE coffee drinks, white mochas in particular. So during the week, I know when I'm saying no to the cinnamon roll that the co-workers brought in, or choose veggies instead of a potato, that I will still get to have my "treat". I wait until Saturday, then I get my favorite food or drink, and it is soooo worth it since I don't get it all the time (plus, watching the scale go down keeps me on track for making those wise decisions!).

I could say it over an over, but make every calorie count! And always ask yourself, is it worth it? 

Lots of love, 